Acupuncture with Jill Storstein in Aberfeldy
Jill Storstein is available for acupuncture appointments at the Aberfeldy Clinic on:
Tuesdays from 9:30 - 5:30 pm
Thursdays from 9:30 - 7:30 pm
Fridays from 9:30 - 6:30 pm
To make an appointment or to ask any questions, please contact Jill on or use the contact form here.
Information about Nutritional Therapy appointments can be found here.
First Acupuncture Appointment
80 mins £85
Initial appointment involves taking a full history, assessment and acupuncture treatment. We will discuss a treatment plan and basic lifestyle/diet advice will be given if appropriate. Suitable for simple conditions and musculo-skeletal injury.
(Not for Fertility support, all fertility support first appointments include Nutrition and Fertility support as well as acupuncture)
First Fertility and First Acupuncture & Functional Nutritional Therapy Appointment
90 - 105 mins £155
Includes 60 - 75 minute intake to get your full history and make an initial plan followed by a short 30 minute acupuncture session. Following this an Individualised Fertility or Health Plan with diet & lifestyle recommendations, recipes, supplement regimen. Testing recommendations and interpretation of existing results.
Suitable for fertility support and complex health conditions including autoimmune disease and digestive disorders
Follow-up Acupuncture
50 mins £55
Follow-up appointments will have a short chat and catch-up followed by a treatment which will involve acupuncture and may also include massage, cupping or moxibustion (a form of heat therapy) according to your individual needs.