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Functional Nutrition Therapy with Jill Storstein 


Functional nutrition and lifestyle therapy appointments with Jill Storstein are available in person or via video call.

Details of Packages are detailed below 


A no-obligation 15 minute discovery call is offered at no additional cost to you. It is to discuss whether Nutritional Therapy is suitable for you. 


To make an appointment or to ask any questions,  please contact Jill by email at or use the contact form here.

Egg and Avocado Salad


prices start from £440 for Nutritional Therapy
Packages help you stay on track to achieve your health or fertility goals




This package is designed to give you an overview of your health picture and the basic tools to get you started on your wellness journey with coaching support to keep you on track.  This gives 3.5 hours of one-to-one support designed to be used in 3 appointments over 12 weeks. Suitable for less complex chronic health conditions, health optimisation and preparing for pregnancy. 

Chopping Vegetables


This package offers fortnightly support for those who would like more personal support and accountability than the Essentials package. This gives 5 and 1/2 hours of one-to-one contact over 12 - 14 weeks. Suitable for chronic health conditions and fertility support.

Egg and Avocado Salad


This package offers the highest level of support, perfect for those with complex conditions or fertility concerns who are likely to need in-depth investigation and support to make lasting, achievable change. Gives over 8 hours of one-to-one contact time and is designed be used over 5-6 months. Suitable for those who complex chronic health conditions and complex fertility support.  


All packages include 

  • In depth health, diet & lifestyle assessment looking at medical history, family history, lifestyle, environmental and stressor health impact;

  • Personalised Nutrition, diet and lifestyle health optimisation plan;

  • Supplement recommendations* with a current medication & Drug-nutrient interaction assessment

  • Support materials to help implement change according to individual needs e.g. recipes, meal suggestions, information sheets etc.

  • Functional testing recommendations*, letters written to GP requesting testing or highlighting health concerns warranting investigation if required.

  • Interpretation of test results in context of nutritional therapy.

  • Extended first appointment and follow-up appointments - the level of support varies according to which package you choose

  • Acupuncture sessions can be added to packages at additional cost where needed.


*Supplements and private testing are not included in the cost of the package. Prices vary and are set by the labs and supplement companies.

Nutrigenomics & Nutritional Therapy Packages

Unlock the power of your genes with the Nutrigenomics NT package. Nutrigenomics is the study of the interaction between nutrition and genes.  LifeCode testing looks at your individual genetic variations and how they affect responses to nutrients and lifestyle factors. With this information, personalised dietary, lifestyle and supplement recommendations can be made to help optimise your health and manage conditions.


The Nutrigenomics NT Packages can be added as a bolt-on to your existing package. For existing patients, prices start at £299 for one report, interpretation and implementation session. For new clients, this can be added as a bolt on to one of the packages above or done as a standalone Nutrigenomics  package which includes an initial session, the test and results and interpretation session. Prices start from £445. 


More details about nutrigenomics and the tests available through LifeCode GX can be viewed  here.


Acupuncture & Nutritional Therapy Packages

Combined Acupuncture and Nutritional Therapy packages are also available. They include all that is detailed in the Nutritional Therapy Packages, plus acupuncture treatments at the clinic in Aberfeldy.


Signature Plus: £POA

This package offers the highest level of support, perfect for those who really value personal support and accountability. This is a 12 – 14 week programme comprising initial 90 minute appointment, a nutrition and lifestyle support plan, 6 acupuncture treatments combined with longer appointments time for follow-up nutrition and health coaching to support your behaviour change and an additional follow-up in depth nutrition session. Suitable for those who complex chronic health conditions and complex fertility support.  


Essentials Plus £POA

This package is designed to support you with acupuncture to reduce the main symptoms of your health concerns while also giving  you an overview of your health picture and the basic tools to get you started on your wellness journey with nutrition and lifestyle advice. It comprises an initial appointment, a nutrition and lifestyle support plan, 5 acupuncture treatments, 2 of which are longer sessions to include health coaching support and 1 follow-up in-depth nutrition session.   Suitable for chronic health conditions and fertility support.



*Supplements and private testing are not included in the cost of the package. Prices vary and are set by the labs and supplement companies.

Additional Costs

Functional and Diagnostic testing is charged separately and prices are set by the laboratories. Some testing laboratories offer me a small commission when tests are ordered through me. I receive a small percentage to help cover my time researching and interpreting your results. The small commission I receive will never influence my decision to recommend a test, I only ever recommend tests that will help improve your care and treatment plans. When making testing recommendations, I will rank them in order of importance and explain why I am recommending them so you can choose which tests to invest in. Some tests may be available through your GP and I can write to them for you explaining why I think a test may be important for you.


Supplements are not included in the prices above and are at an additional cost to you. I only recommend high quality supplements from reputable companies with a scientific basis for their use. I suggest the best value supplements I can find that meet these criteria. I am a registered practitioner with the Natural Dispensary which provides a practitioner discount which is shared between you, the client and me, the practitioner. As always, I am keen to reduce the costs to you where possible. You receive 20% of the discount and I receive a small 5% commission to help cover my time in researching suitability and checking drug-nutrient interaction. I will only recommend supplements that I think are important for you. Recommendations are made in order of importance and I will explain why they are needed so that you can decide which ones to order. Once again, the small commission I receive will never influence my decision 

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